Ricoa Chocolate Syrup

Who among you love chocolate? Please raise your hands. For those who love it, do you enjoy taking it in syrup form, especially with things like ice cream? Another show of hands please. Now for those who also take it in syrup form, do you prefer it to be bitter tasting? A final show of hands please.

Knorr Cream of Mushroom Soup

As an adult today, I still see the same brand of canned soup lining the shelves of groceries. This time, they have easy-open tabs so one never needs to fiddle with clunky can openers anymore. However, the high Peso-Dollar exchange rate coupled with inflation has made enjoying a bowl impractical, especially when one can buy an entire meal with its price.

Caramba! Chili Fuerte

I vaguely remember someone saying that pizza and taco lovers are divided into two groups – the purists are the ones who consume their meal as-is while the nonconformists enjoy it with hot sauce. Well, I won’t claim to be a purist because when it comes to pizza because I need to slather quite a bit of hot sauce on it!

Yakult for a Healthier Stomach

Photo courtesy of Anything Under the Sun.

Taking after my mother, I have always had a cast iron stomach. I could eat just about anything and if something didn’t agree with me, had a 24-hour window before my stomach acted up. I never had problems skipping meals, and could only drink water for days. I was also one of those people who was never tethered to a bathroom because I didn’t have to go every day, making me an ideal candidate for extended trips.

Mug Cake

Photo courtesy of Maan B. Teves.

Don’t we just love the apps on playstore? And what about those cooking games? It would be simply perfect if we can actually taste those instant finished products!

Peanut Butter Cookies

Photo courtesy of Maan B. Teves.

If it’s the sweet-salty rush you’re after and you’re a peanut butter addict just like me and my mom, this super easy recipe is for you! I swear you’d be making batch after batch after batch of this! I’ll let you in on a little cookie secret: to come up with perfect cookies, you have to start with all your ingredients at room temperature.

Buttered Sardines

Photo courtesy of Anything Under the Sun.

I love sardines, and I normally eat it straight out from the can with soy sauce, white onions and calamansi as dip (read: sawsawan). But I’ve been hearing from some friends that it tastes better sautéed. Hmmm, so here goes the experiment.